“Crooked Nose “Curved Nose Rhinoplasty

“Crooked Nose “Curved Nose Rhinoplasty


There are multiple reasons why some people have curved noses, but the two main reasons are:

Crooked Nose

Basic issues

Having a curved nose can be the result of an underlying problem with the bone, cartilage, and tissue inside the nose.

Some of these may have been triggered by previous events, but usually include:

  • Injuries or trauma (e.g., a broken nose whose curvature heals)
  • birth defects
  • tumors
  • severe infections
  • Previous failed nose surgery

When an individual with genetically normal nasal anatomy is traumatized to the nasal region at the age of 2-3 in early life, fractures or locations in the cartilage structure; In the next life, it causes abnormal growth of the cartilage structure and enlargement of the nose, arch formations. In these nasal structures, which we also call “tension nose”, are generally nasal structures with tension, weak nasal tip cartilages but strong septum cartilage.

Deviated septum

A deviated septum occurs when the inner wall that separates your left and right nasal passages bends to one side and partially blocks one side of your nose. It is called “septum luxation”. The main reason is trauma. It can also happen in the early ages or after traumas as an adult.

Success in Curved Nose Aesthetic Surgery

Curved nose surgeries take between 120 minutes and 150 minutes on average. Afterwards, the patient is hospitalized for 1 day and discharged, and controls are made. If the patient feels pain and pain, painkillers or antibiotics can be used under the control of a doctor. It is not recommended to consume water and liquid beverages for the first 4-5 hours after arched nose surgery. If water and fluid are consumed, bleeding, vomiting and other complications may occur due to fluid consumption. After the arched nose surgery, the nose should remain splint for 1 week.


After the splint is removed, it can be observed that the arched area is completely flattened. However, it takes at least 3 months for the nose to take its original shape. The success of arched nose surgery differs according to the experience of the doctor, the patient’s compliance with the doctor’s recommendations, and the protection of the nose.

Curved Nose Surgery and Its Procedure

There are two different methods of curved nose surgery. These are closed and open nose surgery.

  • Closed method curved nose surgery; is a type of surgery in which the incisions are made without an incision at the tip of the nose. Success rates are good in slightly curved noses without excessive axis curvature.
  • Open curved nose surgery; Inverted V-shaped incisions are made on the patient’s nose. During the operation, the excess bone and cartilage tissues are filed and the arched structure is removed. If there is an arched structure in the nose of the patient due to collapse, the cartilage tissue arch taken from the ear or spine is treated. The incision becomes almost invisible after 6 months. It can be said that the chance of success is higher in patients with severe curves and axis curvature, shifted to the right or left, compared to closed rhinoplasty.

While applying curved nose aesthetics, the patient’s nose tip is also intervened, and problems such as low nasal tip, and drooping nasal tip are also eliminated.

Step By Step Procedure For Curved Nose Surgery

Curved nose surgery is performed as follows;

  • Excess bone and cartilage tissue on the back of the nose is removed using special cutting tools. .
  • After the nasal bone is cut, the nasal bone is rasped.
  • The longer the curve, the longer the surgery takes.
  • After the rasping of the bone, a cavity may occur under the nose.
  • A little narrowing of the nose is needed to fill the gaps that occur.

In the area defined as “open roof”, the bones called osteotomy are cut from the sides and made closed.

Silicone and Pharmaceutical Use

After curved nose surgeries, silicone nasal packing is used as it is used after many rhinoplasty surgeries. The silicones used to protect the nose and speed up the healing process. The main task of these silicone pads is to prevent the accumulation of blood between the mucous membranes by ensuring the adhesion of the mucous membranes in the septum region separated from both mucous membranes. If it is not placed, the complication of hematoma and blood accumulation in the septum region is inevitable. Silicones may cause a feeling of dryness and sore throat in some patients. To prevent this, mouth sprays that can be purchased from pharmacies can be used twice a day.

Post-Operative Bleeding Risk

Curved nose surgeries performed with developing technologies include the least risk and side effects. Bleeding may occur temporarily in one out of every hundred patients. Apart from that, on the first day after the surgery, a liquid mixed with pink blood may come from the nose. Although patients may think it is bleeding, it actually describes the body’s self-healing process. At the end of 48 hours, the pink liquids coming from the nose return to normal. If the bleeding is severe and continuous, it is recommended to contact the doctors.

After Curved Nose Aesthetic Surgery

After the curved nose surgery, which is performed under general anesthesia, the patient is hospitalized for one day, depending on the patient’s health status. After the patient is discharged, doctors recommend at least 2 weeks of rest in order to avoid complaints such as bleeding, swelling, and pain.

After curved nose surgery, first of all, nasal silicone, then plaster, and nasal bandage are taken by the doctor during the control examination on the dates planned by the doctor. During the healing process, high pillows should be preferred and the head should be kept up and the nose should be protected against impacts. It is quite often observed that patients who have health and the nose of their dreams increase their self-confidence, become more productive in their social and business life, reconcile with their physical appearance, and become happier individuals after arched rhinoplasty.